
There are two types of love:

  • Logical
  • Emotional

Logical example – I’ve known this person for 10 years and they’ve helped me in immeasurable ways over the years, therefore I love them.

Emotional example – I like the feeling I get when I’m with this person, therefore I love them.

Men don’t know how to love. We copy what our female partners do and we think that’s love. But that’s not being true to who we are. Men and women are different. A woman’s love is emotional, they love with their whole being. That’s how they function in all aspects of life. But to replicate that kind of emotional love as a man, is not only wrong, it’s harmful to everyone.

By nature, women are emotional. They bring that emotionality with them when they enter a relationship.

In order to compliment a woman’s emotions, there needs to be logic introduced from the man’s side. It has to be a marriage of Yin and Yang. A relationship that does not have both sides will not last.

Here are two scenarios – If both people are emotional, it would create a strong spark and generate a lot of excitement, but in the long run (most of the time) it will extravagantly implode. In contrast, a relationship where both people are logical, is extremely dull and lifeless. For a successful relationship, there needs to be both, logic and emotions.

The harmful aspect of men being emotional while in a relationship, is that they completely disregard everything and everyone else around them. I’ve experienced this first hand where I’ve disregarded my own family/friends for my girlfriend. I look back on all of those moments with so much pain.

It’s depressing thinking about these things but I feel like I have to power through in order to educate others.

Here are my real life personal examples of why it’s reckless and irresponsible to be emotional when it comes to women:

  • 3 years ago I bought my first Rolex watch using $8,000 of my own money. I literally risked my life to save that amount of money. I was on a 6 month waitlist and flew 900kms to a different city, to buy it. I grew tired of the materialism, so I gave the watch to my dad. Fast forward to today, the market value of the watch is over $13,000. My dad is about to enter his third marriage. He has known his current partner for a few months. My dad wants to sell the watch to fund his wedding. If he calmed his emotions, he would realise that the value of the watch is not monetary but sentimental. I worked hard to attain it, it was my first luxury watch and it’s also a watch that he received from his own son. But he is in an emotional state and is blinded to everything else around him. His goal is wedding and he will disregard all else to achieve that goal.
  • My brother who I love so much. In 2017, I moved to a different state in Australia (to be with my girlfriend lol). Last year I came back home for a year and the amount of time that I spent with my brother is unbearably small. It’s possible he didn’t want to hang out with me because I’m a dickhead, but the fact is, he was with his girlfriend 99% of the time.
  • I was with 3 friends at a strip club. Our friend drove all of us there. As soon as we arrived, one of the boys wanted to leave to meet a stripper that was drinking at a bar nearby. We asked him – Bro what? We just got here, what about us? How do we get home? What do we do? His response was “I’ll call you an uber boys”. My brother, if you are reading this, I love you but hopefully you realise that the situation was ridiculous. When men are in that mindset and they are emotional over a bitch everything else is disregarded. My man couldn’t give two shits what the rest of the boys did as long as he was able to see some random bitch.
  • My own personal example of the worst time that I let emotions override my sense of reasoning. I was at a friend’s house with my younger brother and GF at the time. My gf and I argued and she went home. This was 11pm at night. I left my own brother on the side of the road and I chased after her. While I was running home (yes physically running), the only thing on my mind was what to say to this bitch. Fucking disgusting. After I let go of my emotions, I immediately realised that I had left my own fucking brother just on the street by himself. With no way that he could get home. I completely disregarded him. The entire time that I was emotional over this bitch I didn’t have my brother in mind at all. Fucking disgusting.

All of these scenarios happened in real life. I experienced them first hand. As you can see, emotions leave you blinded to everything and everyone else around you. They are harmful for men in relationships. As well as every single person in that emotional man’s life. Men need to love women logically. Not emotionally. I know it’s 100% possible because that’s what I’m doing right now. I still love that girl that I ditched my brother for, but it’s a different kind of love. She is no longer the center of my life, but rather, a very miniscule addition to my life that I could 100% live without.

But once we as men, veer into the emotional side, things start to become unbalanced. Think about all the times that you have been emotional in a relationship and let me know what happened. I can almost guarantee that it didn’t work out. There is no reason for a man to bring emotions into a relationship. There is already enough of that from the girl’s side. What a man needs to bring, is his logic.

When a man is able to love a woman purely from a logical standpoint and not an emotional one that is when he is ready to be in a relationship. Only then, he might be able to introduce emotions without it being completely harmful to everyone. But until he is ready to love logically then he is not ready to love at all.

Take care of yourself dad.

– Keith